Our Blog / RacerMate
Cycle the Globe (Without Leaving Florida) With Our OYM CompuTrainer Special
We've touted the many amazing training benefits of our CompuTrainer system on our blog here before: In the last couple of weeks, we've added new scenic courses to our existing library. We currently have rides that take you through the streets of the Spanish island of Mallorca, the pristine French Valleys, the Adirondack mountains, the Canadian countrysides, and the hills of Virginia. Check out these fall colors: So through the end of December 2013, we're offering all our OYM athletes a RacerMate CompuTrainer $5 per session special (up to one hour) to try these new courses. As always, your first...
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- The SMART Ride
- The SMART Ride 2013
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- Viva Bike Vegas 2012 Gran Fondo Pinarello
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