Our Blog / CAA
Sharing the Road
May is National Bike Month. (Above image designed by Johnny Hsu for The League of American Bicyclists) It's a great time to bring awareness to an issue many cyclists and pedestrians face on a daily basis; motorists who fail to share the road. Will you help us get the word out? Did you know that Florida law requires motorists to leave a minimum of three feet of space between their cars and a cyclist regardless if there is a designated bike lane or not? Learn the laws regarding your responsibility for safe cycling as well at Alert Today, Alive...
- #teamOYMbike
- 12/12/12
- 2013
- 2014 SMART Ride
- A1A Marathon
- Aaron Cohen Life Protection Act
- Accessories
- Active Release Technique
- Adventure
- Aero
- AIDS/HIV Fundraiser
- Albert Einstein
- Amelia Earhart Park
- American Automobile Association
- Annual Training Plan
- April Club Ride
- April Newsletter
- Ares4
- Arlington Cemetary
- Athletes
- Battery
- Beach
- Beanies
- Behavioral Health of The Palm Beaches
- BH
- BH Bikes
- Bianchi
- Bicycle
- bicycle care
- Bike
- Bike Fit
- Bike Fitting
- Bike Lanes
- Bike League
- Bike Month
- Bike Safety
- Bike to Work Day
- Bike to Work Week
- Bike Tours
- Bikes
- BioGreen Bottles
- Blue
- Brothers
- Calfee Designs
- Campbell Sports Rehab and Spine Center
- Canadian Automobile Association
- Carbon Footprint
- Cateye
- Celebrate
- chain wear
- Challenge
- Charity
- Charity Ride
- Chili Cook-off
- Chiroprator
- Chris King
- Chronic Stress
- Cielo
- Clermont
- Clinic
- Clinics
- Clothing
- Club
- Club Ride
- Club Ride of All Club Rides
- Coach Matt
- Coach Matt Goforth
- Cocktails
- Community
- Components
- CompuTrainer
- Conservation
- Cruisers
- Custom Frames
- Cycle
- Cycling
- Cyclists
- Cytomax
- Demo Wheels
- Desoto
- Dirt
- Dirty
- donations
- Dr. Jaysen
- Dr. Jaysen Sudnykovych
- Drink
- Duathlon
- e-Bikes
- Earth
- Earth Day
- Easy Motion
- Easy Motion Electric Bikes
- Education
- Electric Bike
- Electric Bikes
- Electrolytes
- Endurolytes
- EnergyLabs
- Enve
- Environment
- Etiquette
- Evaluation
- Events
- Fall
- Family
- Family Friendly
- Family Fun
- Fashion
- Father's Day
- Festive
- Fizz
- Florida
- Florida Department of Transportation
- Florida Law
- Florida Weekly
- Food
- Food Truck
- Foodies
- Forbes Magazine
- FoundCare
- Frames
- Friday the 13th
- Friday13
- Fun
- Functional Threshold Power
- Fundraiser
- Fundraising
- Geometry
- Gift
- Gifts
- Goals
- Gran Fondo
- Gravel Grinders
- Hammer Nutrition
- Hang Ten
- Happiness
- Happy Holidays
- Happy New Year
- Health
- Health News Florida
- Healthy Living
- Heat
- Hills
- hit and run accidents
- Holiday
- Holiday Lights Cruise
- Holiday Party
- Honor
- How to Plan a Season
- Hydrate
- Hydration
- Inspiration
- Integrative Health
- Interbike
- Interbike 2012
- Interbike 2013
- Interbike International Bicycle Expo 2012
- Interbike International Bike Expo 2013
- International Bike Tours
- International Winter Bike to Work Day
- Ironman
- Ironman North American Championship Texas
- Jag
- Jaguar Triathlon Youth Club
- Jaguars
- Jaguars Triathlon Youth Club
- Jaguars Youth Triathlon
- Jersey
- Journey
- K
- Key West
- Kids
- Kits
- Kona
- Las Vegas
- Le Tour de France
- LeTourdeFrance
- Leukemia Team in Training
- Lifestyle Bikes
- Love
- Lucky
- Maintenance
- May
- Meek and Mighty
- Meet Zach
- Memorial
- Memories
- Miami
- Mick Shea
- Monster Tires
- Motor
- motorist safety
- Motorists
- Mountain Bike
- Mountain Bike Club Ride
- Mountain Bikes
- Mountain Biking
- Mt. Mitchell
- Muscle Overuse
- National Bike Challenge
- National Bike Month
- National Bike Tours
- National Complete Streets Coalition
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- National Public Radio
- Neck Pain
- NEO City
- NEO Cross
- New Evening Hours by Appointment
- New Morning Hours by Appointment
- Newsletter
- Non-profit
- Nutrition
- Ocala Mountain Bike Association
- Off-Road
- On Your Mark Target Events
- Order Uniforms
- Orlando
- OYM Bike
- OYM Cycle Club
- OYM Cycling Club
- OYM Gear
- PAL Ride
- Palm Beach County
- Palm Beach Team in Training
- Park Tool School
- Party
- PBCommuter Challenge
- Pedal Assist Bikes
- Pedestrians
- Peloton
- Performance
- Performance Bike
- Physical Conditioning
- pizza
- pledge
- Plus Size Tires
- Police Athletic League
- Potluck
- Power on Demand Bikes
- Professional Evaluation
- Quotes
- Race for the Cure
- RacerMate
- Racermate Computrainer
- Racing
- Recovery
- Repetitive Stress Injuries
- Retailers
- Ride of the Living Dead
- Ride2Recovery
- Road
- Road Bike
- Road Trip
- Rolf
- Run
- Saddles
- Safety
- Salsa
- Salsa de Mayo
- Samsung
- Santos
- Santos Mountain Bike Park
- School
- Share the Road
- Shelley Flowers
- Shimano
- Shopping
- Shorts
- Six Gap Century
- Sizer Cycle
- Sizing
- Sizing Kits
- Sleep Disorders
- Smart
- Smart Growth America
- SMART Ride
- Social
- Sol Skin
- Sombreros
- Special Deal
- Special Offer
- Specials
- Specialty Bike Tours
- Speed
- Spring Break Fat Tire Festival 2013
- St. Anthony's
- Stems
- Stress
- Students
- Style
- Summer Kids Camp
- Sun Protection
- Sun Safety
- Sun Screen
- Sun Sleeves
- Super Bowl
- Super Bowl of Chili
- Susan B. Komen
- Swim
- Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day
- TDF2016
- Team
- Team OYM
- Team OYM Bike
- Team Palm Beach Bike Jockeys
- TeamInTraining
- Teammates
- TeamOYM
- teamoymbike
- tech tip
- Technology
- Test Drive
- Texas Brisket
- Texas Kookers
- Thanksgiving
- The City of West Palm Beach
- The Great Floridian
- The League of American Bicyclists
- The Palm Beach County Metropolitan Planning Organization
- The Palm Beach County SMART Riders
- The SMART Ride
- The SMART Ride 2013
- The West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority
- Tips
- Tires
- Tissue Inflammation
- Tour de Felasco
- Touring
- Trail Rides
- Trail Riding
- Training
- Training Log
- Travel
- Trek
- Triathlon
- Trigger Point Performance Therapy
- Tubes
- Twelve
- Uniforms
- Valor Cycling Club
- Viva Bike Vegas
- Viva Bike Vegas 2012 Gran Fondo Pinarello
- Voler
- Washington
- Water
- Water Bottles
- Wellness
- Wheels
- Workshop
- Yoga
- Zach Wolz
- Zipp