Our Blog
What the Fall Season means to a Florida Cyclist-Rest or Revamp? Power Up into 2011 with OYM!
As the summer winds down, and the South Florida heat dissipates, we hope this message finds you fit, healthy, and most of all content with your 2010 accomplishments. Its hard to keep pushing, and do what you do. Take some time to check off those accomplishments you made this year, or perhaps shine those new medals you added to the trophy case. Congratulations... you earned it!
Before you get too carried away patting yourself on the back, take a few moments and think about what's next? Did you accomplish everything you wanted to this year? Did you underestimate yourself and set the bar a bit too low? Would you like to try something new? Are you tired and drained from an extensive racing schedule?
Its perfectly normal, at some point in your season, to experience feelings of completion, accomplishment, or even disappointment. Our coaches feel this is one of the most important times in an athletes training program. Now is the time to reflect on exactly what happened, and identify your unique strengths, weaknesses, and gauge progress. Furthermore, now is the time to make projections for 2011.
Planning and goal setting isnt an easy task, but thats what On Your Mark Coaches do for you. We are committed to your health and success, and we want your 2011 to be even better.
In the coming months, we will have new workouts, new clinics, new events, and lots of new ideas. We are the next generation cycling and multisport center and we intend to live up to that. In the meantime, join one of our group rides that take place every Thursday and Sunday.
Thank you for choosing On Your Mark as your coaching partner in endurance sports.